�y���p�������C�u�����zoscP5 BBOSC�Ƃ̘A�gJMyron�J�����̗��p�Ə����w�i�����@�Ől�Ɣw�i����blobDetection�l�̗֊s���Ƃ邽�߂Ɏg�p
import oscP5.*; /* �I�u�W�F�N�g�̓ǂݍ��� ------------------------------*/ OscP5 oscP5; //OscP5�I�u�W�F�N�g���Q�Ƃ���ϐ��̐錾 /* �����Ǝg���Ă����ϐ���ݒ� ------------------------------*/ //WiiFit /*�d�S�̈ʒu�ʂ��邽�߂̎���(�t���[��)�����邽�߂�int�^�̕ϐ�t��錾*/ int t = 100; /*�d�S�̈ʒu���擾���邽�߂�臒l�����邽�߂�int�^�̕ϐ�threshold��錾*/ int threshold = 4000; /*臒l�����ۂ̃J�E���g�����邽�߂�int�^�̔z��c��錾*/ int [] c; int [] balanceData; float wbx, wby = 0.0; int ac = 100; int aspeed = 10; /*--------------------------------------------------* setup (�ŏ��ɂP�����s�����) *--------------------------------------------------*/ void setup(){ //���ȏ��ʂ�̊�{�ݒ� background(0); //�w�i�͍� frameRate(30); size(320, 240); smooth(); //WiiFit oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 9000);�@//OSC�f�[�^�����|�[�g�ԍ���ݒ肷�� c = new int[4]; balanceData = new int[4];�@//WiiFit����̃f�[�^���S�ӏ����i�[���� } /*--------------------------------------------------* draw *--------------------------------------------------*/ void draw(){ �i�����j } /*--------------------------------------------------* WiiFit *--------------------------------------------------*/ /* osc���b�Z�[�W����M����*/ void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage){ //Wii balance board�̒l�����邽�߂�int�^�̔z��balanceData��錾 //�z��̔ԍ��Ə㉺���E�̃Z���T�[�̑Ή��W�́A //0:�E��A1:�E���A2:����A3:���� if(theOscMessage.checkAddrPattern("/data")==true){ if(theOscMessage.checkTypetag("iiii")) { for(int i =0;i <4;i++){ /*Osc�̃��b�Z�[�W��balanceData�Ɋi�[����*/ balanceData[i] = theOscMessage.get(i).intValue(); } } } }
/*--------------------------------------------------* draw *--------------------------------------------------*/ void draw(){ commonAction(); switch(step){ case 0: checkAura(); break; case 1: drawAura(); break; case 2: standby(); break; } } �i�����j /*--------------------------------------------------* check aura *--------------------------------------------------*/ void checkAura(){ //�҂���ʕ\�� image(checkImg, 0, 0); //200�t���[���̊ԕ��ϒl���o�����߂ɑ̏d�𑫂� if( checkCnt < 200 ){ checkCnt ++; perSum[0] += balanceData[0]; perSum[1] += balanceData[1]; perSum[2] += balanceData[2]; perSum[3] += balanceData[3]; } if( checkCnt == 200 ){ perXY(); colorSet(); step = 1; checkCnt = 0; //�p�[�e�B�N�� for(int i=0;i<pNum;i++){ p[i].reset(i); } } //�҂��t���b�O if( balanceData[0]<150 && balanceData[1]<150 && balanceData[2]<150 && \ balanceData[3]<150 ){ checkCnt = 0; step = 2; } } �i�����j void colorSet(){ println(perSum); if( perSum[0]+perSum[2] > perSum[1]+perSum[3] ){ percc[0] = 225 + (30 * (perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2 / \ (perSum[0]+perSum[1]+perSum[2]+perSum[3])); if( perSum[0]+perSum[1] > perSum[2]+perSum[3] ){ percc[1] = 150 * perSum[3] / (perSum[0]+perSum[1]+perSum[2]); percc[2] = 255 * perSum[1] / (perSum[0]+perSum[3]+perSum[2]); } else { percc[1] = 255 * perSum[3] / (perSum[0]+perSum[1]+perSum[2]); percc[2] = 150 * perSum[1] / (perSum[0]+perSum[3]+perSum[2]); } } else if( perSum[3] > perSum[1] ){ percc[1] = 225 + (30 * perSum[3] / \ (perSum[0]+perSum[1]+perSum[2]+perSum[3])); if( (perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2 > perSum[1] ){ percc[0] = 255 * (perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2 / \ ((perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2+perSum[1]+perSum[3]); percc[2] = 150 * perSum[1] / (perSum[0]+perSum[3]+perSum[2]); } else { percc[0] = 150 * (perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2 / \ ((perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2+perSum[1]+perSum[3]); percc[2] = 255 * perSum[1] / (perSum[0]+perSum[3]+perSum[2]); } } else { percc[2] = 225 + (30 * perSum[1] / \ (perSum[0]+perSum[1]+perSum[2]+perSum[3])); if( (perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2 > perSum[3] ){ percc[0] = 255 * (perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2 / \ ((perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2+perSum[1]+perSum[3]); percc[1] = 150 * perSum[3] / (perSum[0]+perSum[1]+perSum[2]); } else { percc[0] = 150 * (perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2 / \ ((perSum[0]+perSum[2])/2+perSum[1]+perSum[3]); percc[1] = 255 * perSum[3] / (perSum[0]+perSum[1]+perSum[2]); } } cc[0] = percc[0]; cc[1] = percc[1]; cc[2] = percc[2]; println("color:"); println(cc); }
VR�E���^�o�[�X�Ƃ����uSecondLife�v�ł����AGlovePIE���g���AWiiRemote�ő��삷�邱�Ƃ��\�ɂȂ�܂��B�I���W�i���́uGoogle Earth�v���x�[�X�ɁA��s��w�����̓n糉p���搶���쐬���Ă���܂����̂ŏЉ�܂��B
//Calibrate your Wiimote! //Place the Wiimote face up on a flat surface. Change these values until \ the //debug line next to the run button shows zero for each axis. var.xtrim = -7 var.ytrim = -20 var.ztrim = -4 //Set your Wiimote LEDs to your liking. Binary value, 1-15 Wiimote.Leds = 1 //Key Map Mouse.LeftButton = Wiimote.A Keyboard.ESC = Wiimote.Home Keyboard.ESC = Wiimote.One Keyboard.Up = Wiimote.Up Keyboard.Down = Wiimote.Down Keyboard.Left = Wiimote.Left Keyboard.Right = Wiimote.Right //Keyboard.F = Wiimote.Home Keyboard.E = Wiimote.Plus Keyboard.C = Wiimote.Minus //Forward, Back, Up and Down if Wiimote.B & Wiimote.Up Then KeyBoard.Up = False Keyboard.E = True Wait 600ms Keyboard.E = False endif if Wiimote.B & Wiimote.Down Then KeyBoard.Down = False Keyboard.C = True Wait 600ms Keyboard.C = False endif var.accx = Wiimote.RawForceX + var.xtrim var.accy = Wiimote.RawForceY + var.ytrim var.accz = Wiimote.RawForceZ + var.ztrim // My best IR Mouse Script, with 5DOF Tracking // By Carl Kenner // Change these values: var.SensorBarSeparation = 7.5 inches // distance between middles of two sensor bar dots var.NoYawAllowed = true // Calculates X if no yaw is allowed, otherwise calculates Yaw but not X var.IRMulX = 1.2 var.IRMulY = 1.2 var.IROffsetX = 0 // add to mouse.x var.IROffsetY = 0 // add to mouse.y var.IRLeftButton = Wiimote.A var.IRRightButton = Wiimote.B // Compensate for roll var.c = cos(Smooth(wiimote.roll, 10)) var.s = sin(Smooth(wiimote.roll, 10)) if wiimote.dot1vis then var.dot1x = var.c*(511.5-wiimote.dot1x)/511.5 - var.s*(wiimote.dot1y-383.5)/511.5 var.dot1y = var.s*(511.5-wiimote.dot1x)/511.5 + var.c*(wiimote.dot1y-383.5)/511.5 end if if wiimote.dot2vis then var.dot2x = var.c*(511.5-wiimote.dot2x)/511.5 - var.s*(wiimote.dot2y-383.5)/511.5 var.dot2y = var.s*(511.5-wiimote.dot2x)/511.5 + var.c*(wiimote.dot2y-383.5)/511.5 end if // if both dots are visible check which is which and how far apart if wiimote.dot1vis and wiimote.dot2vis then if var.dot1x <= var.dot2x then var.leftdot = 1 var.dotdeltay = var.dot2y - var.dot1y else var.leftdot = 2 var.dotdeltay = var.dot1y - var.dot2y end if var.dotdeltax = abs(var.dot1x-var.dot2x) var.DotSep = hypot(var.dotdeltax, var.dotdeltay) * 511.5 var.IRDistance = var.SensorBarSeparation * 1320 / var.DotSep end if // sort out the position of the left and right dots if var.leftdot = 1 then if wiimote.dot1vis and wiimote.dot2vis then var.LeftDotX = var.dot1x var.LeftDotY = var.dot1y var.LeftDotVis = true var.RightDotX = var.dot2x var.RightDotY = var.dot2y var.RightDotVis = true else if wiimote.dot1vis then if hypot(var.leftdotx-var.dot1x,var.leftdoty-var.dot1y) <= hypot(var.rightdotx-var.dot1x,var.rightdoty-var.dot1y) then // is the real dot 1 var.LeftDotX = var.dot1x var.LeftDotY = var.dot1y var.RightDotX = var.dot1x + var.dotdeltax var.RightDotY = var.dot1y + var.dotdeltay var.LeftDotVis = true var.RightDotVis = false else // was originally dot 2, but now called dot 1. var.leftdot = 2 // this dot (1) is actually the right dot var.LeftDotX = var.dot1x - var.dotdeltax var.LeftDotY = var.dot1y - var.dotdeltay var.RightDotX = var.dot1x var.RightDotY = var.dot1y var.RightDotVis = true var.LeftDotVis = false end if else if wiimote.dot2vis then var.LeftDotX = var.dot2x - var.dotdeltax var.LeftDotY = var.dot2y - var.dotdeltay var.RightDotX = var.dot2x var.RightDotY = var.dot2y var.RightDotVis = true var.LeftDotVis = false end if else if var.leftdot = 2 then if wiimote.dot1vis and wiimote.dot2vis then var.LeftDotX = var.dot2x var.LeftDotY = var.dot2y var.LeftDotVis = true var.RightDotX = var.dot1x var.RightDotY = var.dot1y var.RightDotVis = true else if wiimote.dot1vis then if hypot(var.leftdotx-var.dot1x,var.leftdoty-var.dot1y) <= hypot(var.rightdotx-var.dot1x,var.rightdoty-var.dot1y) then var.leftdot = 1 // dot 1 is now the left dot var.LeftDotX = var.dot1x var.LeftDotY = var.dot1y var.RightDotX = var.dot1x + var.dotdeltax var.RightDotY = var.dot1y + var.dotdeltay var.LeftDotVis = true var.RightDotVis = false else // the real dot 1 (on the right) var.LeftDotX = var.dot1x - var.dotdeltax var.LeftDotY = var.dot1y - var.dotdeltay var.RightDotX = var.dot1x var.RightDotY = var.dot1y var.RightDotVis = true var.LeftDotVis = false end if else if wiimote.dot2vis then var.RightDotX = var.dot2x + var.dotdeltax var.RightDotY = var.dot2y + var.dotdeltay var.LeftDotX = var.dot2x var.LeftDotY = var.dot2y var.LeftDotVis = true var.RightDotVis = false end if else var.LeftDotX = var.dot1x var.LeftDotY = var.dot1y var.RightDotX = var.LeftDotX var.RightDotY = var.LeftDotY var.LeftDotVis = true var.RightDotVis = true end if // Find the imaginary middle dot var.MiddleDotX = (var.leftdotx + var.rightdotx)/2 var.MiddleDotY = (var.leftdoty + var.rightdoty)/2 var.MiddleDotVis = wiimote.dot1vis or wiimote.dot2vis if var.MiddleDotVis then var.TotalPitch = atan2(511.5*var.MiddleDotY,1320) + Wiimote.Pitch var.DotYaw = atan2(-511.5*var.MiddleDotX,1320) // assume yaw is 0 var.WiimoteYawNoX = atan2(511.5*var.MiddleDotX,1320) var.WiimoteXNoYaw = -sin(var.dotyaw)*var.IRDistance var.WiimoteY = -sin(var.totalpitch)*var.IRDistance var.WiimoteZ = (-sqrt(sqr(var.IRDistance) - sqr(var.WiimoteY)))*var.IRDistance/RemoveUnits(var.IRDistance) end if // scale it to the screen range 0 to 1 var.IRx = var.IRMulX*var.middledotx/2 + 0.5 var.IRy = var.IRMulY*var.middledoty*1023/767/2 + 0.5 var.IRvis = wiimote.dot1vis or wiimote.dot2vis var.IROnScreen = 0 <= var.IRx <= 1 and 0 <= var.IRy <= 1 // is it off the screen? var.IRTooFarLeft = var.IRx < 0 or (var.IRx < 0.1 and (not var.IRvis)) var.IRTooFarRight = var.IRx > 1 or (var.IRx > 1-0.1 and (not var.IRvis)) var.IRTooFarUp = var.IRy < 0 or (var.IRy < 0.1 and (not var.IRvis)) var.IRTooFarDown = var.IRy > 1 or (var.IRy > 1-0.1 and (not var.IRvis)) // Heavily smooth small movements, but do zero lag for quick movements var.MoveAmount = 1024*hypot(delta(var.IRx), delta(var.IRy)) if smooth(var.MoveAmount) > 12 then var.SmoothX = var.IRx var.SmoothY = var.IRy var.LastSureFrame = PIE.Frame else if (PIE.frame-var.LastSureFrame) > 18 then var.SmoothX = Smooth(var.IRx, 18, 4/1024) var.SmoothY = Smooth(var.IRy, 18, 4/1024) else if (PIE.frame-var.LastSureFrame) > 14 then var.SmoothX = Smooth(var.IRx, 14, 4/1024) var.SmoothY = Smooth(var.IRy, 14, 4/1024) else if (PIE.frame-var.LastSureFrame) > 10 then var.SmoothX = Smooth(var.IRx, 10, 4/1024) var.SmoothY = Smooth(var.IRy, 10, 4/1024) else if (PIE.frame-var.LastSureFrame) > 6 then var.SmoothX = Smooth(var.IRx, 6, 4/1024) var.SmoothY = Smooth(var.IRy, 6, 4/1024) else if (PIE.frame-var.LastSureFrame) > 2 then var.SmoothX = Smooth(var.IRx, 2, 4/1024) var.SmoothY = Smooth(var.IRy, 2, 4/1024) end if // Freeze the mouse cursor while they start pressing the button // otherwise it will make the cursor jump var.Freeze = (var.IRLeftButton or var.IRRightButton) and KeepDown(pressed(var.IRLeftButton) or pressed(var.IRRightButton), 600ms) // Only change the mouse position if pointing at the screen // otherwise they can still use a real mouse if var.IRvis and (not var.Freeze) then mouse.x = var.SmoothX mouse.y = var.SmoothY end if // delay the buttons slightly so we have time to freeze the cursor (is that needed?) //mouse.LeftButton = var.IRLeftButton and (not KeepDown(pressed(var.IRLeftButton), 40ms)) //mouse.RightButton = var.IRRightButton and (not KeepDown(pressed(var.IRRightButton), 40ms)) // display 6DOF data if var.NoYawAllowed then debug = 'X: '+var.WiimoteXNoYaw+', Y: '+var.WiimoteY+', Z: '+var.WiimoteZ+', Yaw: 0, Pitch: '+Wiimote.Pitch+', Roll: '+Wiimote.Roll else debug = 'X: 0, Y: '+var.WiimoteY+', Z: '+var.WiimoteZ+', Yaw: '+var.WiimoteYawNoX+', Pitch: '+Wiimote.Pitch+', Roll: '+Wiimote.Roll endif //Debug if Wiimote.Up var.Button = "Up" elseif Wiimote.Down var.Button = "Down" elseif wiimote.Left var.Button = "Left" else if wiimote.Right var.Button = "Right" elseif wiimote.A and not wiimote.B var.Button = "A" elseif wiimote.B and not wiimote.A var.button = "B" elseif wiimote.A and wiimote.B var.button = "A + B" elseif wiimote.Home var.button = "Home" elseif wiimote.Plus var.button = "Plus" elseif wiimote.Minus var.button = "Minus" else var.button = "" endif debug = "x:" + var.accx + ", y:" + var.accy + ", z:" + var.accz + " " + var.Button